Outreach in Chennai- HOPE
HOPE initiative programme on hygiene and health was held in Ramakrishna Tapovanam – Thirupparaithurai, Tamil Nadu, 15 kilometres away from Trichy. About 350 students between the age of 9 and 15 years participated.
10 steps to good health books were distributed, both in English and Tamil. The students actively participated in a didactic manner. They were well prepared on the various topics as given in the book. Detailed discussions were held on all the 10 topics. Demonstrations such as the 7 steps on hand washing was very well received.
There were about 10 teachers present. Students also gave positive feedback of learning about Hygiene and Health.

Our vision
Our vision is to improve the health of students, teachers, their families and other members of community through schools. Children and young people represent a country’s future.