Hepatitis B, an easily preventable and treatable disease, seems to be slipping through the fingers due to lack of government’s attention. According to WHO, around 4 of every 100 Indians are infected, amounting to 40 million infected persons in India. Most are blissfully unaware as the virus produces very little symptoms for long periods. By the time symptoms of liver disease appear, the disease is often found to be advanced. Hepatitis B is one of the leading causes of liver failure and liver cancer. Every 12th person in the world is infected, and liver disease is the 12th leading cause of death in the community. And the tragedy is that it is preventable. And the health impact of Hepatitis B &C is at least 10 times that of HIV while awareness and funding about them are lagging far behind that of AIDS.
B-Rodh is a school based intervention that seeks to achieve health promotion in Uttar Pradesh. The objectives the projects are:
- – To strengthen children’s knowledge and awareness through training on the 10 core topic of intervention.
- – To facilitate development of resource groups at various levels (state, district and block), health clubs within schools and also various IEC materials that will enable a carry forward of the initiatives in a self sustainable manner. Also gradually foster behavior and practice changes among the students
The intervention has so far covered government schools in a total of 45 districts in the first stage. Uttar Pradesh has a total of 18 regions and all the 18 regions will be ultimately covered by the intervention.
The intervention has so far covered government schools in a total of 45 districts in the first stage. Uttar Pradesh has a total of 18 regions and all the 18 regions will be ultimately covered by the intervention.
- – Sanitation and Hygiene
- – Mosquito menace: Dengue, malaria and encephalitis
- – Hepatitis B – the lurking infection
- – Preparing for Examinations, “Exam stress”, and how to cope and conquer it
- – Life style disorders: fast food, cola, fitness, body mass index
- – Global warming and environment change
- – Drugs and alcohol
- – Bullying, violence and ragging
- – Road traffic accidents and home emergencies
- – Healthy Holi and Safe Diwali


Our vision
Our vision is to improve the health of students, teachers, their families and other members of community through schools. Children and young people represent a country’s future.